
Battle Pass: Night Vision Premium Shop

Battle Pass: Night Vision Series
Premium Shop

Period: April 17 - June 5, 2024

>>>For Trooper who purchase Premium Battle Pass<<<

Premium Shop: Conditions

1. To access Battle Pass shop, Players are required to unlock/purchase the Premium Battle Pass Reward 2. Collect Season EXP to unlock Battle Pass Level access to purchase. 3. When the players reached Battle Pass Level requirement,

the Battle Pass shop will automatically unlock the item you can purchase.

Check at Premium Shop on Website

>>>>Premium Shop<<<<

Premium Shop

Sale Period: April 17 - June 5, 2024

Night Vision Series Weapon & Accessory

*Special privileges for players who have the Premium Pass: Night Vision Battle Pass can exchange for accessories at a special price! Available at the Premium Shop

1. Green Flashlight 60D can be purchased for 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.7.

2. White Flashlight 60D can be purchased for 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.12.

3. Red Flashlight 30D can be purchased for 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.19.

Note: The above jewelry items are limited to 1 purchase per account only.

Update : Special Privileges for players who have the Premium Pass and have reached the required rank will be able to purchase accessory items at special prices at the Premium Shop.


1. Green Flashlight 60D can be purchased 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.7

2. White Flashlight 60D can be purchased 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.12

3. Red Flashlight 30D can be purchased 1 PBCash when unlocking Premium Pass LV.19

*Note: Night Vision Accessory items are limited to 1 purchase per account only.

Special item Sale

On the Special Item Sale in Battle Pass Premium shop of Night Vision Series

The Special Item will be limiting Sale with the specific period and specific amount as follows.

G. Series

Available: April 17 - June 5, 2024

Kar98k TSR Gold

Pindad SS3 Gold

Saiga-12 CQB Gold

K2C EBR Gold

M1928 Thompson Ext. Gold

Explain special details part 1

Available: 17 - 30 April 2024

T77 Emerald

Skull Gold Beret (7D)
*Limited to 3 purchases per Account.

White Tiger Premium Package (7D)
*Limited to 2 purchases per Account.

Witch Grenade


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