
Point Blank Philippines Weapon Encyclopedia

Point Blank Weapon Encyclopedia

New Library!! with Comparable status system

To enhance the convenience for Point Blank players, our team is pleased to present a weapon information encyclopedia on the game's website.

Players will be able to access and review information about the Ability of each weapon,

Along with a comparison of the differences between weapons in the game, through this encyclopedia as following.

==== Step to access the Point Blank Philippines Encyclopedia ====

Players can check the encyclopedia page from the website Here or directly access the encyclopedia site from Here.

Click the image below to access the Point Blank weapon encyclopedia system.

HHere is the Screen interface of the encyclopedia, categorized by item types as follows:

1. At the left side, the display screen shows the complete weapon encyclopedia, divided into categories as follows.

1.1 All - All of Weapon from Point Blank

1.2 Main Weapons, categorized into 5 types, are as follows.

Assault Rifle, SMG, Sniper Rifle, MG, Shotgun and Shield

1.3 Secondary Weapon

1.4 Melee Weapon

1.5 Explosive Weapon

(Example of categories: Assault Rifle screen display)

2. Search Item Players can enter the name of the weapon in the game to search for the desired weapon information.

(Possible to enter only part of the name to search for all relevant results.)

(Example of searching result of all weapons that relevant to searching word screen display)

3. The comparison screen

Allows players to select weapons for a side-by-side comparison of status from selected weapon, even different categories.

In the 'Weapon Status Comparison Screen, players can freely choose default guns for comparison.

Default Compare - This represents the default status of the item for comparison.

Compare Item - This shows the comparative status of the selected item against the default item.

Add Item for Compare - The field for adding items to compare in the comparison process.

To facilitate convenience for all players in checking the status of Point Blank weapon

We will expedite the process of updating all weapons, including various weapon skin of each series,

to provide a the completely and latest encyclopedia in the future for all troopers.

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