
Find Alphabet PBIC Event : 28 February - 12 March 2023

Find Alphabet P B I C Event

Alphabet P complete the mission card to receive your rewards

Alphabet P exchange with 50 Gold Tickets

Remark : The reward will be sent to the trooper who have completed the event within 7 working Days after the event has ended

Event Period : February 28 - March 7, 2023

Alphabet B  complete Login event to receive your rewards

Alphabet B exchange with Royal Key Chain 7 Days

Remark : The reward will be sent to the trooper who have completed the event within 7 working Days after the event has ended

Event Period : March 10 - March 12, 2023

Alphabet I complete Attendance event to receive your rewards

Alphabet I exchange with PBTC Collection Gachapon 3 M

Remark : The reward will be sent to the trooper who have completed the event within 7 working Days after the event has ended

Event Period : March 1 - March 12, 2023

Alphabet C complete Play Time event to receive your rewards

Alphabet C exchange with Wig Collection Random Box 2 M

Remark : The reward will be sent to the trooper who have completed the event within 7 working Days after the event has ended

Event Period : March 7 - March 12, 2023


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