
PBIC2023 International Pass : PBIC Series Collection

PBIC2023 International Pass : PBIC Series Collection


Complete missions as specified. Receive the PBIC2023 series according to the number of players that can do it up to 30 days

PBIC Series Collection Guide

1. Login your account then click the PBIC Series Collection menu on the right menu bar.

2. After logging in to the website, the details of the mission that players need to perform will be displayed.

3.PBIC2023 Series will be given after the event has ended


1.Solo match making reward can be collected after the end of solo match making season.

2.For the prediction event, the reward can be collected after end of global events.

3.PBIC Collection Web is only to check the progress of tasks completed by players. Players cannot get rewards from repeated tasks.

4.Exclusive reward will be given after the event has ended within 3-7 working days.

Event Period: January 17 - March 21, 2023


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