


A.) Team Conditions:  

A.1) Maximum of 6 players to be registered (5 Main Players and 1 Substitute/Reserved Player)

A.2) Participants/Team members should not have any

history of using illegal third-party programs, if our system verified that your account used illegal third-party programs, that player and his/her whole team will be

permanently suspended and will be prohibited from joining any Point Blank Competition/Tournaments for 1 year 


B.) Player’s Document Requirements:  

B.1) Submit VALID Identification Card (School/University ID Card or any Government ID Card)  

B.2) Minors or players aged 18 below who wish to join the competition must send a valid copy of their Valid Identification Card plus a Parental Consent Letter having their

parents/guardian sign it with a copy of their parents/guardian valid Identification Card  

B.3) In case the player does not have any valid ID Card, they can send a copy of their birth certificate plus a photo of them holding the birth certificate

(photo should be in high resolution and birth certificate in the photo should be readable when zooming in) 

B.4) Participants application form should fill in correct information that reflects the VALID ID CARD they’ve submitted 

B.5) Falsification of documents will lead your team to disqualification, suspension of accounts and banned for joining any PB competition for 1 year 







> This will be shown live all throughout the PICK & BAN process in Discord

1. Spin the Wheel Format  

2. 1st spin will have two options on the wheel that will be represented by two teams using the specific Map Names,

the staff shall randomly select which team will represent the map name “Luxville” and “Hospital”  

3. Whoever won the 1st spin will have the advantage to do “Pick & Ban” first and this will be in “Take Turn” format with their opponent 


Ex:  Luxville Won 1st Spin = Luxville to Pick & Ban First 

> Team A (Luxville) will choose 1 map to ban for Game 1 

> Team B (Hospital) will choose 1 map to ban for Game 1 

Game 1 Map (Choice of the team who has won from the 1st Spin) 

> Team A (Luxville) will choose 1 map to play & which side to play  

Game 2 Map (Choice of the team who has lost from the 1st spin)  

> Team B (Hospital) will choose 1 map to play & which side to play  

> Team B (Hospital) will choose 1 map to ban for Game 2 

> Team A (Luxville) will choose 1 map to ban for Game 2  

Game 3 will be in random Select from the two map’s left from the pick & ban  

> Team A (Luxville) who won the 1st spin will have the advantage to select first which side will the play for the 3rd map 


D.1) All weapons, items, & accessories that have ICON EFFECT is strictly NOT ALLOWED 

D.2) All weapons, items, & accessories that increase damage and health or protection is strictly NOT ALLOWED  

D.3) Function items that increase damage and protection is strictly NOT ALLOWED 

D.4) Accessories that enhances the weapon or items is strictly NOT ALLOWED 

D.5) Rule Weapon Reminder 


D.6) Team Weapon Component: 1 team with 5 members are allowed to have 5 LIGHT MACHINE GUNS, 3 ASSAULT RIFLES and 1 SNIPER RIFLE

D.7) Allowed 35 types of ASSAULT RIFLE & 27 types of SNIPER RIFLE in DEFAULT SPECS SETTING

• Assault Rifle (37 weapons)   

                                                                                                                                                                                            • Sniper Rifle (27 weapons)


D.7.1) Other Weapon Series that do NOT have silencer and have the same specs equivalent to the weapon listed above are ALLOWED.

(EXCEPT: AUG HBAR – you can only use the normal ones/having the default specs setting that doesn’t increase damage)

D.8) Allowed 23 types of SUB MACHINE GUN, 2 types of MACHINE GUN & 5 types of SHOTGUNS in DEFAULT SPECS SETTING

• Sub Machine Gun (23 weapons) 

• Machine Gun (2 weapons)


• Shotgun (5 weapons)

D.8.1) Other Weapon Series that do NOT have silencer and have the same specs equivalent to the weapon listed above are ALLOWED 
D.8.2) Every participating team can have 3 players using this specific SUB MACHINE GUNS: OA-93, Kriss.sv, T77, Kriss CRB in default/normal specs  
D.8.3) OA-93, Kriss.sv, T77, Kriss CRB that increase damage from the normal default setting/normal specs is strictly NOT AL


• R.B 454 SS8M+S Cobra

• R.B 454 SS8M+S Veracruz

• R.B 454 SS8M+S GRS V

• R.B 454 SS8M+S Ozmium

• R.B 454 SS8M Mech

- or any other weapon with the same properties as the weapon specified in the table

D.9.2) Other Weapon Series that have the same specs equivalent to the weapon listed above are ALLOWED 


• Melee weapon (10 weapons)

 D.10.1) Combat Machete type of knives is ALLOWED to use and other weapon series below 

> GH 5007 

> Combat Machete Latin 6 

> Combat Machete Rebel 

> Combat Machete Holi 

> Combat Machete Arcade 

D.10.2) Other Weapon Series that have the same specs equivalent to the weapon listed above are ALLOWED 

D.10.3) Other Weapon Series that increase damage are NOT ALLOWED



•  Throwing weapon (3 weapons)


•  Special weapon (5 weapons)  

D.12.1) Other Weapon Series that have the same specs equivalent to the weapon listed above are ALLOWED 

D.12.2) Other Weapon Series that increase damage are NOT ALLOWED 

D.13) Allowed Characters 


D.13.1) Players are not allowed to upgrade CHARACTERS that increase HEALTH/HP  

D.13.2) Characters that obstruct/changes the visibility of beret hat or other items is NOT ALLOWED 

D.13.3) Only 12 Characters in DEFAULT SPECS SETTING is allowed to use during the competition. 

(Acid Pol, Caiman Gray, Chou, D-fox, Hide, Keen Eyes, Leopard, Red Bulls, Rica, Tarantula, Viper Red, Wolf in default specs setting)

D.14) Allowed Hats 

> Beret  

> Reinforced Headgear Plus 

D.14.1) Other Hat Series that have the same specs equivalent to the item mentioned above and listed below are ALLOWED

D.14.2) Other Hat Series that increase health/protection NOT mentioned above and not listed below are NOT ALLOWED

D.15) Allowed Enhancement Items 

> Grenade Slot + 1 

> Quick Change Magazine 

> Quick Change Weapon  

> Inspector (Check Item) 

> Quick Respawn 50%  

> Get Dropped Weapon 

D.15.1) Any other items that increase the damage and protection is NOT ALLOWED  

E.) Match Format 

E.1) Condition: 5 vs 5 Match-up 

E.2) Time / Kill: 3 min / 5 Round 

E.3) Tie Breaker: 3 min / 3 Round 

E.4) Mode: Bomb Mission 

E.4.1) Match Room Making : Bomb Mission Rule 

> Competitors/Staff should TURN OFF “Third-person View” before starting the match 

> If the room creator forgot to CLOSE “Third-person View,” the player/team may request to pause/stop the game to allow the person in charge creating the room to close the third person view 

> Any player or team who finished the match and claim the rights of the above rule will not be accepted as it deemed to have acknowledged to continue the game and score will still

be the basis of the match decision  

> For PBOC (Point Blank Online Challenge), the staff, the player or team should use the BOMB MISSION room only 

> Both teams will automatically be disqualified if they did not follow the specified room we have specified 

E.4.2) Bomb Mission Room Setting Guide

Match Room Setting


F.) General Competition Rules: 

F.1) Participants must report and be in the designated discord room at least 30 minutes before their match schedule for checking of Valid ID Card, PC Equipment, and Discord Camera set up 

F.2) Team Leader should be in their designated discord room 30 minutes before their match schedule for PICK & BAN 

F.3) You are given 15 minutes grace period, failure to comply will lead your team to disqualification 

F.4) In-case the team must replace their main player by their substitute/reserved player, the team must notify the officials at least 30 minutes before the match start. Failure to do so, we will not allow them to change players 

F.5) Team Leaders will only be the team representative in coordinating issues, task, problem, and other match related obligations 

F.6) In case the Team Leader is not available before or during the match and was replaced by their substitute/reserved player, the team can designate 1 player only to coordinate issues, task, problem and other match related obligations 

F.7) No replacements outside the original list of players or substitute after the registration amendment date and before the match 

F.8) If competing teams have less than 5 players, that match will be declared “WINNER BY DEFAULT” and the team who has less than 5 members will be disqualified 

F.9) All participants should show their VALID ID CARD before the match 

F.10) “PILOT” or bringing other players from other teams to compete on behalf of their team members under any circumstances, the IDs of those players will be banned for competing to any tournaments for a period of 90 days. 

F.11) In case of needing to change players after 3 wins, the enemy team must be informed before changing the player 

F.12) Player who are not registered are strictly not allowed to compete 

G.) Chat Competition Rules 

G.1) General Chatting is restricted, only TEAM CHATTING is allowed 

G.2) All team members can use voice chatting via discord and the likes 

H.) In-game Competition Rules 

H.1) You are not allowed to use third-party programs that modifies our game (Any Cheat Program and Macro Programmable Software/Hardware)   

H.2) If the Team or Players equipped banned weapon or “Not Allowed” weapons or enabled an illegal third-party program before a match and during the duration of the match, the team will be disqualified. The offender’s ID will be suspended 

H.3) Exploiting any kind of map bugs and characters assisted boosting is prohibited  

H.4) Players can collect/pick up/get all kinds of weapons from their killed enemies 

H.5) Every team should check the items or weapons of their enemy team before their match. If they do not check and fail to adhere the issues related to the rules beforehand, they will not have any right to complain. Thus, the participant agreed and accepted the match without any issue regarding the rules violated by their enemy team 

I.) Game Disconnection Conditions: 

I.1) If a player got disconnected from the game and kills or damages has already occurred, the game will continue/that round will be finished, and the score will be the basis for that match. We will then proceed to the 2nd match 

I.2) In case the other team members exited the match without our Mod's and GMs directives due to their teammate being disconnected to the game, the score will still be the basis of that match and we will proceed to the 2nd match 

I.3) In case the score is TIE/EQUAL, and some members of the team exited the game without our Mod's and GMs directives due to their teammate being disconnected to the game, the score will not be the basis of that specific match, no rematch will be given, the game will not be restarted but instead the team who exited the game will lose that match 

I.4) If the players was disconnected from the game and no kills or damages has occurred, the team or the player can request to stop the game and restart the match  

I.5) if a player who got disconnected unable to continue the match due to the player’s own negligence, the game will be continued and will be finished regardless the team members are not complete 

I.6) If an error occurs on the computer, the player must raise his hand to notify the match officials. If it requires changing the computer, you will be given 10 min & the matches will resume immediately 

I.7) If an error occurs on the computer and incase the problem cannot be solved within 10 min, the match will be restarted again subject to the agreement with the enemy team. If the enemy team refused to restart the game, the team having technical problem will be disqualified 

I.8) In case the problem comes from the game during the match, contact the match officials immediately for the management team to decide on a solution 

J.) Player’s Code of Ethics 

J.1) Names that has “double-meaning” or names that are offensive to any culture, people, race, gender, religion, country or usage of obscene languages is prohibited and will be penalized or will be disqualified from the competition 

J.2) Improper behavior in-game or during the process of pick & ban, checking of ID’s and camera set up on our OFFICIAL DISCORD CHANNELS will get 3 points penalty deducted to their score on their first game/match 

J.3) Not following the directives of our MOD’s and GMs (Game Master) in-game will be given warning, 2nd offense will be disqualified 

J.4) Smoking and drinking during live competition and during the live broadcasting of the match is prohibited. Players who caught smoking and drinking during the competition will be disqualified 

J.5) All participants should behave as good athletes, mocking and making any incitement with your teammate or enemy team will cause penalty to you as an individual player or your whole team 

J.6) All players must wear their team uniform or must dress modestly during live broadcast and offline competitions  

K.) Team Name, Team Logo, Team Individual Photo Submission 

K.1) Team Name and Team Logo should not resemble to anything offensive to culture, people, race, gender, religion, country or any usage of obscene language is prohibited and will be penalized or will be disqualified from the competition 

K.2) Team Logo File should be in “High Resolution” 

K.3) Individual Photos should be in “High Resolution” and Individual Photo should be in white background & half body portrait (from HEAD to NAVEL level) 

K.4) Team Uniform should be worn when submitting photos, (In case your team does not have uniform, your team members will then be required to wear a plain colored shirt (OPTION: plain black t-shirt or plain white t-shirt)  

K.5) All photos should be in “JPG or PNG” format ONLY  

M.) Discord Camera Rules Online 

M.1) Players must open their camera during the online competition, STRICTLY 1 camera = 1 Player, failure to follow the 1 Camera = 1 Player rule will result to disqualification 

M.2) Camera should be “ON/OPEN” all throughout the game 

M.3) Player should set up their camera in discord on a landscape orientation 

M.4) Failure to comply with our Discord Camera Set Up will be given “WARNING 1.” Failure to comply with our Discord Camera Set Up for the 2nd time, your team will immediately be disqualified from the competition  

M.5) Photo Reference 


N.) Bracketing 

N.1) Bracketing will be shown live 

N.2) Bracketing will be under the rules of Challonge format 

O.) Single Elimination Round Game Format 

O.1) 1 Game = 10 Rounds 

O.2) 1 match will be divided into 2 parts, round 1–5 will be the 1st half and Round 6-10 will be the 2nd half (Switching Sides will be applied)  

O.3) Match result will be decided according to their match score results  


Game 1 = TEAM AAA Score: 5 / TEAM BBB Score: 3 

Game 2 = TEAM AAA Score: 5 / TEAM BBB Score :2 

Winner = TEAM AAA  

O.4) In case of equal scores or the scores is tied, we will have an overtime or tie breaker match which will be played by adding 3 more rounds (Switching sides will be applied)  

P.) Semi-Final and Grand Final Round Game Format 

P.1) 1 Game = 10 Rounds 

P.2) Game format, “BEST OF 3” - the team who won 2 out of 3 games will be the winning team 

P.3) 1 match will be divided into 2 parts, round 1–5 will be the 1st half and Round 6-10 will be the 2nd half (Switching Sides will be applied)  

P.4) In case of equal scores or the scores is tied, we will have an overtime or tie breaker match which will be played by adding 3 more rounds (Switching sides will be applied)  

Q.) Prize Condition  

Q.1) Prizes will be sent within 15-30 working days after the match.  

Q.2) In case of PRIZE MONEY the participant must submit important documents to receive the money. And the participant will receive the payment after the document has been verified within 30 working days.  

Q.3) To receive prizes such as in-game items or renamed points to the team, it must be the same ID the participant has registered 

Q.4) The e-sports management team will be in touch with the players who won the competition for the necessary documents to acquire the prize accordingly (Valid Government ID will be required and their home address) 

Q.5) If a trophy or medal will be provided, the participant must pick it up at the company or a place convenient for the team and the company’s logistics capacity 


1. If there is a problem that occurs other than those specified above, the discretion of the e-sports management team is FINAL  

2. During the registration period, team leaders will receive a confirmation letter to their email if their registration is approved. If their registration was NOT approved, e-sport management team should state the reason for their disqualification 

3. Participants should study and read the competition rules before joining any competition or tournament under Point Blank and before their match schedule. Claims or protest caused by not studying the rules of the competition will NOT be entertained and we will declare it “NOT VALID” 

4. Online Challenge Elimination Round: our MOD’s/GM representative will have to send an agreement which will be answered by the team leaders only

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