



  • Point Blank National Championship Official Rules

    Part 1. Overview

    1.1 Competition Match Room Settings 

    1.2  Match Preparations

    1.3 Game Format 

    1.4 Competition Format 

    1.5  Map And Side Selection 

    1.6 Match Time Table

    1.7 After Match Procedures

    Part 2. Game Rules

    2.1 Chatting

    2.2 Players Related Rules

    2.3 Illegal Software/Bugs

    2.4 Abnormal Situations

         Part 3. Official Maps, Characters and Items

    3.1 Official Maps

    3.2 Official Characters

    3.3 Headgear

    3.4 Functional Items

    3.5 Weapons

    Part 1. Overview

    1.1 Competition Match Room Settings

    - Game Mode: e-Sports Bomb - Objective: 9 Rounds - Round time: 3 minutes - Count Down: 3 sec - Side change time out: 120 sec 

    1.2 Match Preparations

    - Players are to arrive and report at the designated match location by the time set and instructed by PBIC committee. - Captain of each team (selected and registered to the tournament organizers before the event) is responsible for the identification of team members. - Players are obliged to finish their set-up and join their designated match room in the game client within 10 minutes of given preparation time. Then players are not allowed to leave the match room without approval from the referee. All players must press “READY” button upon the referee’s signal and wait for the match start. It is not allowed to install any type of software or drivers during the preparation time without obtaining Referee’s permission. The set-up is comprised of the following A. Connecting and calibrating personal peripherals B. Ensuring proper function of voice chat programs C. Setting up title tree D. Adjusting in-game settings E. Limited in-game warm-up such as AI Bot mode practice or warm-up game between teammates - All software required for the use of player’s personal peripherals will be installed by the organizers before the tournament. - Players are not allowed to apply macro(command) settings on their peripherals. application of such settings will result in disqualification. - In case of peripheral related problems, player will be granted up to additional 5 minutes to replace them. - Player substitutions must be announced no later than 30 minutes before the match starts. - Player substitutions during the match are not allowed. However, the Referee can permit it in exceptional circumstances. - Only 1 sniper rifle can be used by the team at the start of each round of the game. - Only 2 SMGs with dual mode can be used by the team at the start of each round of the game. - Players are allowed to pick up all type of weapons from dead characters. - Players are not allowed to touch their peripherals (mouse and/or keyboard) after being killed except for the purpose of changing the weapon or using voice chat (under Referee’s observation). - It is not allowed to change Player’s nickname during the tournament.

    1.3 Game Format - The first team to win the 9 rounds out of 16 rounds will be determined as the winner of the game. - Side change will automatically take place at the end of 8th round. 120 seconds will be automatically given as the half break in the game, before the start of 9th round. - If the game ends in a draw, 8:8, extra rounds will be played to decide the winner of the game. - Extra rounds will be played with the settings below:

    A. Game Mode: e-Sports Bomb 

    B. Objective: 4 Rounds 

    C. Round time: 3 minutes 

    D. Count Down: 3 sec 

    E. Side change time out: 60 sec 

    -If the game is extended to the extra round, the first team to win the 4 rounds out of 6 rounds in the extra round will be determined as the winner. 

    -In the extra round, side change will automatically take place at the end of 3rd round. 60 seconds will be automatically given as the half break in the game, before the start of 4th round. 

    -If the extra round ends in a draw, 3:3, sudden death round will be played. 

    -Sudden death round will be played with the settings below: 

    A.Game Mode: e-Sports Bomb 

    B.Round time: 3 minutes 

    C.Count Down: 3 sec 

    -In sudden death round, only one round will be played. As there is only one round, there is no side change. The winner of sudden death round will be the winner of the game. 

    -The game will not be paused other than these half breaks, unless there is an exceptional, abnormal case such as network issue, injuries during the game, equipment malfunctions or other cases that the referee deems the game must be paused. In such cases, the player must first raise hand and get the referee’s permission to pause the game, before leaving the battle. 

    -Pause request for other purposes during the game, such as tactical discussions, toilets or whatsoever, are prohibited. 

    -To prevent exploitation, players are not allowed to communicate with the teammates in these unexpected pauses. Players can only communicate with the referee, PBIC committee and the translator during these pauses.

  • 1.4 Compettition Format

    1.4.1 Overview - Competition consists of 3 phases, preliminary round (1st phase), double elimination round (2nd phase), and knockout stage (3rd phase).

    1.4.2 Seed Allocation

    - Top 5 teams according to the respective region’s performance of past 5 international tournaments (PBWC’18, PBIC’18, PBWC’19, PBIC’19, PBIC’23) are seeded to start from 2nd phase. A. Teams starting from the 1st phase: Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Singapore & Malaysia B. Teams starting from the 2nd phase: 2 teams from Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Russia

    1.4.3 1st Phase – Preliminary Round -In the match 1 and 2, 4 teams are drawn into two, best-of-one matches. Winners will advance to the 2nd phase, double elimination round. The draw will take place at pre-arranged draw ceremony. -Losers of match 1 and 2 will proceed to the match 3. Match 3 will be played as best-of-one match. Winner of the match 3 will advance to the 2nd phase, double elimination round, while the loser of the match 3 will be eliminated. -In every match of 1st phase, players are not allowed to leave their booth until the winner of the match is decided. -The visual representation of the 1st phase - preliminary round can be seen below.

    텍스트, 스크린샷, 폰트, 라인이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

    1.4.4 2nd Phase – Double Elimination Round -Eight teams will compete in 3 rounds of best-of-one and best-of-three matches. The first round will see the teams drawn into four, best-of-one matches. -Teams are split into two draw pools, based on the regions’ past 5 international tournament performances. Teams will be drawn into round 1 matches by random selection against an opponent from the opposite pool (i.e. each Pool#1 team will be matched against Pool#2 team). The draw will take place at pre-arranged draw ceremony. -Pool#1: 2 teams from Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil -Pool#2: Russia, 3 advancers from 1st phase -Winners of round one will be paired into Round 2 – winners round, while the losers of round one will be paired into Round 2 – losers round. The remaining matches of 2nd phase will be played as best-of-three matches. In other words, all round 2 and 3 matches of 2nd phase will be played as best-of-three matches. -Winners of winners round will advance to the 3rd phase, knockout stage. Losers of winners round will proceed to round 3. -Winners of losers round will proceed to round 3. Losers of losers round will be eliminated. -Winners of round 3 will advance to the 3rd phase, knockout stage, while the losers of round 3 will be eliminated. -All matches of round 2 will be drawn at the end of each match of round 1. And all matches of round 3 will be drawn at the end of each match of round 2. -In every match of 2nd phase, players are not allowed to leave their booth until the winner of the match is decided. -The visual representation of the 2nd phase – double elimination round can be seen below

    텍스트, 스크린샷, 폰트, 번호이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

    1.4.5 3rd Phase – Knockout Stage -3rd phase consists of semi-finals, 3rd place match and final. -Semi-finals and 3rd place match will be played as best-of-three matches. The final will be played as best-of-five match. -Winners of Round 2 – winners round in 2nd phase, will be randomly paired against winners of Round 3 in 2nd phase, for the semi-finals. In other words, teams with 2W0L match record in 2nd phase will play against teams with 2W1L match record in 2nd phase. The draw for the semi-final matches will take place as soon as round 3 of 2nd phase has ended. -Winners of semi-finals will advance to the final, while the losers of semi-finals will proceed to 3rd place match. -Winner of the 3rd place match will be considered as 3rd place finisher of PBIC 2024. Loser of the 3rd place match will be considered as 4th place finisher of PBIC 2024. -Winner of the final will be the champion of PBIC 2024, while the loser of the final will be considered as 2nd place finisher of PBIC 2024. -Players are not allowed to leave their booth until the winner of the match is decided. However, referees may grant 5 minutes break upon players’ request in the situation below, before going into the next game. During this break, players may leave their booth. -Where 2 games has been played until the extra game or sudden death round. I.E. If extra rounds are played both in game 1 and 2 and two teams are tied to 1:1, referee may grant 5 minutes break upon players’ request before going into game 3. -Where 3 or more games are played. This is applicable only in the final, where the

    1.5 Map and Side selection 1.5.1 Best-of-one matches - Map and side selection for best-of-one matches (which is applicable to 1st phase and round 1 of 2nd phase) will be determined as follows (team which makes the first choice is decided by coin toss): A Team A bans 1 map B Team B bans 1 map C team A bans 1 map D Team B bans 1 map E Team A bans 1 map F Team B bans 1 map G Out of remaining maps, referee randomly picks 1 map. Then referee runs coin toss to decide which team will play as ct in the 1st half. H If the game is extended to the extra round, the team which played as fr in the 1st half will play as ct in the 1st half of extra round. In other words, if Team A played as ct in the 1st half, then Team B will start the extra round as ct. I Referee runs the last coin toss to decide which team will play as ct in the potential sudden death round.

    1.5.2 Best-of-three matches in 2nd phase - Map and side selection for best-of-three matches in 2nd phase (which is applicable to round 2 and 3 matches of 2nd phase) will be determined as follows (team which makes the first choice is decided by coin toss): A Team A bans 1 map B Team B bans 1 map C team A picks 1 map for 1st game D Team B picks 1 map for 2nd game E Team B bans 1 map F Team A bans 1 map G Out of remaining maps, referee randomly picks 1 for 3rd game. H Referee makes the coin toss to decide which team will get the 1st half side choice for game 1. I From the 2nd game onwards, the loser of the previous game will get the 1st half side choice. The side choice must be declared to the referee within 2 minutes of the end of previous game. J Extra round’s 1st half side choice is awarded to the team which did not make the 1st half side choice of the game. For example, if team A made 1st half side choice of the game 1, the 1st half side choice of potential extra round of game 1 will be awarded to team B. The extra round’s 1st half side choice will only be declared when the game ends in a draw and extra round has to be played. As soon as the game ends in a draw, the team which has extra round’s 1st half side choice must immediately inform referee of their choice. K If extra round ends in a draw and the sudden death round has to be played, the team which played ct in the 1st half of extra round will play as fr in the sudden death round. For example, if team B played as ct in the extra round and it ended as a draw, team B will play as fr in the sudden death round.

    1.5.3 Best-of-three matches in 3rd phase semi-finals - Map and side selection for best-of-three matches in 3rd phase semi-finals will be determined as follows (team which makes the first choice is decided by teams with 2W0L match record in 2nd phase): ATeam A bans 1 map B Team B bans 1 map C team A picks 1 map for 1st game D Team B picks 1 map for 2nd game E Team B bans 1 map F Team A bans 1 map G Out of remaining maps, referee randomly picks 1 for 3rd game. H The team with 2W0L match record in the 2nd phase will get the 1st half side choice for game 1. I From the 2nd game onwards, the loser of the previous game will get the 1st half side choice. The side choice must be declared to the referee within 2 minutes of the end of previous game. J Extra round’s 1st half side choice is awarded to the team which did not make the 1st half side choice of the game. For example, if team A made 1st half side choice of the game 1, the 1st half side choice of potential extra round of game 1 will be awarded to team B. The extra round’s 1st half side choice will only be declared when the game ends in a draw and extra round has to be played. As soon as the game ends in a draw, the team which has extra round’s 1st half side choice must immediately inform referee of their choice. K If extra round ends in a draw and the sudden death round has to be played, the team which played ct in the 1st half of extra round will play as fr in the sudden death round. For example, if team B played as ct in the extra round and it ended as a draw, team B will play as fr in the sudden death round.

    1.5.3 Best-of-three match in 3rd phase 3rd place match 

    Map and side selection for best-of-three match in 3rd phase 3rd place match will be exactly the same as the map and side selection procedure for best-of-three matches in 2nd phase. 

    A Team A bans 1 map 

    B Team B bans 1 map 

    C team A picks 1 map for 1st game 

    D Team B picks 1 map for 2nd game 

    E Team B bans 1 map 

    F Team A bans 1 map 

    G Out of remaining maps, referee randomly picks 1 for 3rd game. 

    H The team with 2W0L match record in the 2nd phase will get the 1st half side choice for game 1. 

    I From the 2nd game onwards, the loser of the previous game will get the 1st half side choice. The side choice must be declared to the referee within 2 minutes of the end of previous game. 

    J Extra round’s 1st half side choice is awarded to the team which did not make the 1st half side choice of the game. For example, if team A made 1st half side choice of the game 1, the 1st half side choice of potential extra round of game 1 will be awarded to team B. The extra round’s 1st half side choice will only be declared when the game ends in a draw and extra round has to be played. As soon as the game ends in a draw, the team which has extra round’s 1st half side choice must immediately inform referee of their choice. 

    K If extra round ends in a draw and the sudden death round has to be played, the team which played ct in the 1st half of extra round will play as fr in the sudden death round. For example, if team B played as ct in the extra round and it ended as a draw, team B will play as fr in the sudden death round.  

    1.5.4 Best-of-three match in 3rd phase 3rd place match - Map and side selection for best-of-three match in 3rd phase 3rd place match will be exactly the same as the map and side selection procedure for best-of-three matches in 2nd phas

    1.5.5 Best-of-five match in 3rd phase final - Map and side selection for best-of-five match in 3rd phase final will be determined as follows (team which makes the first choice is decided by coin toss): A Team A picks 1 map for 1st game B Team B picks 1 map for 2nd game C Team B bans 1 map D Team A bans 1 map E Team A picks 1 map for 3rd game F Team B picks 1 map for 4th game G Out of the remaining maps, referee randomly picks 1 for 5th game.

    H. Referee makes the coin toss to decide which team will get the 1st half side choice for game 1. I. From the 2nd game onwards, the loser of the previous game will get the 1st half side choice. The side choice must be declared to the referee within 2 minutes of the end of previous game. J. Extra round’s 1st half side choice is awarded to the team which did not make the 1st half side choice of the game. For example, if team A made 1st half side choice of the game 1, the 1st half side choice of potential extra round of game 1 will be awarded to team B. The extra round’s 1st half side choice will only be declared when the game ends in a draw and extra round has to be played. As soon as the game ends in a draw, the team which has extra round’s 1st half side choice must immediately inform referee of their choice. K. If extra round ends in a draw and the sudden death round has to be played, the team which played ct in the 1st half of extra round will play as fr in the sudden death round. For example, if team B played as ct in the extra round and it ended as a draw, team B will play as fr in the sudden death round.

    1.6 Match Time Table To be announced at a later date

    1.7 After Match Procedures

    - Players must leave the stage within 5 minutes after the match is finished. - In case of any objections regarding the result of the match, team Captain is required to notify the Referee within 5 minutes after the match is finished. - If there is no objections regarding the match, Captains of each team must sign the Game Result Sheet provided by the referee.


    2.1 CHATTING

    - General chatting is restricted, only Team chatting is allowed.

    - Only voice chatting software provided/confirmed by the organizer is allowed to use. Using other voice chatting software is prohibited.

    - All team members are allowed to use voice chatting.

    - Players are allowed to use voice chatting regardless of their character status (alive or killed).


    - Players are allowed to use their personal peripherals as long as they register them to the organizers no later than 7 days before the tournament. - Software and/or drivers required for the use of personal peripherals (mouse, mouse pad, keyboard, headset) must be provided to the organizers no later than 14 days before the tournament.

    Organizers may prohibit the use of particular peripherals and software/drivers if they are judged as illegal or inappropriate by PBIC committee.

    - Players with no personal peripherals must use equipment provided by the organizers.


    - Judgements and rulings regarding potential use of illegal software or bug exploitation will be made only by the organizers. - Team leader is required to immediately notify the referee in case of illegal software being used by other players. - Exploiting any kind of map bugs and character assisted boosting is strictly prohibited.

    2.4 Abnormal Situations

    - Provided equipment shall not be replaced unless technical malfunctions occur. Whether particular issue is indeed a technical malfunction will be judged and decided by designated Zepetto personnel. - In case of any PC, network or equipment problems, player should raise hand and immediately notify the Referee, who can stop the match in such situation. - If the issue occurs before any of the players in current round were killed, the game can be paused and then restarted with the score from the previous round, after the problems are solved. - If the issue occurs after at least one of the players was killed, current round will continue until the end. The match will continue after the problems are solved with the recent round score. A. Example: The current score is Team A: 3, Team B: 2. There is a player killed before the issue occurred, the round is continued. If team A wins current round, the score will be Team A: 4, Team B: 2. After the round is finished, match will be stopped and the players need to leave the game. The match will continue after the problem is solved with the recent score (Team A: 4, Team B: 2). - If external issue occurs during the game where the current round cannot be continued (Ex. power failure, server crash, etc.), referee may determine whether to restart the round with the recent round score, or award a round win to a team. Referee may make this decision by considering the following criteria. but referee is not required to be abided by the following criteria in making such decision. A. C4 time left until explosion is less than 7 seconds and remaining round time is more than that, but CT side did not initiate C4 defuse B. C4 time left until explosion is longer than remaining round time C. Remaining round time is less than 43 seconds but FR side did not plant C4 D. The difference of number of alive players between two teams is 4 or more (Ex. FR 1 alive, CT 5 alive) - All the potential controversies or disagreements arising in relation to the competition rules will be judged and decided by designated Zepetto personnel. 



- IDOL HAIR: Black Afro Perm Wig , Black Short Wig , Brown Short Wig , Blue Pony Hair Wig (Rule) ,

Brown Pony Hair Wig (Rule) , Purple Ponytail Wig (Rule)

- Basic Character Masks Items : items with "++++ ONLY"

3.4 Function & Feature Item - Special slot +1 : Special 2 slot +1 functional item. Allows for additional use of smoke grenades, medical kits, etc. - INCREASE GRENADE SLOT - QUICK CHANGE MAGAZINE - QUICK CHANGE WEAPON - CHANGE NICKNAME - GET DROPPED WAEPON Other Items Medical Kit: Only one per team is allowed. - Medical_Kit * GET DROPPED WEAPON FEATURE IS APPLIED ON THE CLIENT AS DEFAULT SETTINGS

New Accessories (Only includes team mate information display specs)

Some Accessories are now available in PBIC 2025 - D520 Wings - Warship Anchor - Bike Exhuast Bin - Ninja Badge - Sports Car Tire - Death Skull - Black Cat Badge - Cheeseball - Fish Key Chain - Spider Key Chain - Camouflage Whale Key Chain - White Flashlight - Blue Ninja Star



New Allowed Items Honey Badger This new weapon will be released in the 4th quarter 2024. Keep an eye on it! BORA12_TSR :(Normal, Silver, Gold) XM7:(Normal, Silver, Gold) VSK94 Recamo




         - SNIPER RIFLE (33 WEAPONS)













  • 3.5 Rules about players

    1. Use your own ID only for the competition

    2. Player should fill the correct and true information which based on your identity card include everyone for the team (the organization can check them for the competition)

    3. Other players except own members of the team are not allowed to join the competition. If the organization finds it, that team will be disqualified from the competition immediately.

    4. If the name of players in game are illegal the rule game, that player will get the penalty and disqualified from the competition immediately.

    5. Players are prohibited from taking advantage of various bugs in the game. If the organization finds them, they will be disqualified from the competition immediately.

    6. After the registration of the competition, do not change the nickname in the game strictly. If the organization finds them and the name doesn’t match each other as when the registration periods, the organization will disqualify that team from the competition immediately.

    (players can edit or adjust the name and ID within date and time which the organization determined in Discord E-sport)

    7. If the organization finds that there is a player which plays on more than 1 team for the competition, that one team will be disqualified from the competition immediately. Furthermore, if neither team can decide which team would go on the competition, both of teams will be disqualified.

    8. All players should behave as good, considerate players. Do not ridicule or provoke one another at all and do not do anything that is not in the spirit of the competition or if there is inappropriate behavior, the organization can consider punishment for that team as appropriate.

    9. Players should respect each other. Do not do inappropriate behavior such as shooting dead bodies or looking up at the sky, including using items to spray corpses. Players who disrespect their opponents should not do it at all.  If the organization found doing such behavior players can warn their opponents 1 time. If the action is repeated the second time,

    hey can stop the competition and notify the team to consider immediately.

    10. If a player or team member has enabled the cheating program during the competition and period. That team will be disqualified from the competition immediately.

    **In the case that the competing team wants to report a complaint that they found a player using cheating program or using weapons that are banned from the competition, record a video clip of clear evidence Sent it to the organization for consideration in this email : e-sports@zepetto.co.th

    11. How to report cheated player >>> https://bit.ly/3195Zb7

    12. If the organization finds every behavior which seems dishonest in the competition, the organization will count it as illegal and will disqualify that team strictly without any exceptions.

    13. In case of participants or members from team caused a conflict or instigating an incident during the event which damage or violated the event, that team will be disqualified from the competition immediately throughout all the year without any exceptions immediately.

    14. The organization does not allow changing the character's main name. But it can be added from the original name, for example, the name Zepetto is changed to PB.Zepetto, Zepetto456, etc. only for teams with scores in the Ranking table.

    **If the team sees there is a change in the character's name in the next program. The team will immediately disqualify that team from the competition**

    15. Reporting a complaint about whether it is a conflict between players. Competition etiquette or using items and weapons that violate the competition rules. During the competition, the players can warn the opposing player to stop doing the same thing once, but if this happens again. After giving the warning, the players can stop the competition and notify the team for consideration immediately.

    3.6 Additional conditions

    1. For one team must have 6 members (5 lineup players, 1 substitute player).

    2. Every team participating in the competition can only have 2 players per team using light machine guns and 1 sniper rifle per team only!! (Use weapons according to PBIC2024 rules only)

    3. Creating the nickname for the competition, please use appropriate words. These words such as political, royal is inappropriate naming in the competition. The organization can disqualify you from the competition or it is up to the organization to consider.

    4. Team members must not have a history of using cheated programs. If the organization is found, the ID will be permanently banned. and disqualification from competing in every competition.

    5. Prizes or prize money will be received after platers submit all documents within 30-60 working days (Monday - Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

    6. To receive prizes as in-game items or to send name changes to point to the team, it must be the same ID as the one who applied for the competition.

    7. The organization will contact you to request your name, address, and necessary documents to send the prize after the end of the season.

    8. All players must strictly follow the competition rules and have moral and kindness in competition

    9. For further inquiries, contact: Discord E-Sport.

    10. Players must bring the ID card that corresponds to the competition application to show for the team to check before the competition.

    11. If the organization finds that any team uses a cheating program to help play in the competition or during the competition period, the organization will permanently ban your ID and ban you from competing in all competitions for 1 year.

    12. During the competition application period until the competition application closes. If the organization inspects and finds that a player on the team has a history of using a cheating program or has been banned, the entire team will be banned from the competition for 30 days.

    13. The picture for verification must be JPG or PNG only. And players must wear the team shirt, black shirt or white shirt for the whole team. The organization reserves the right to use pictures of contestants for promotion. or use in other cases as appropriate throughout the competition period.

    14. Players are prohibited from smoking or drinking on camera while the competition is broadcast live.

    15. Should wear only the clothing specified by the organization for the competition.

    16. In the live broadcast of the competition, players must prepare their ID cards for the organization to check before competing. So that the organization can check the name to match the team that used for applied in

    competition every time.

    (If any team does not show their ID card to the organization for verification or the name does not match the application It is considered that the team is not ready to compete. The team will immediately forfeit and disqualify all prizes.)

    17. Players must follow the organization’s condition by having the players turn on the camera to see both their own face and the game screen every time they compete.

    Players are strictly prohibited from turning off the lights while they compete. The lights must be on so that the team can clearly see the players' faces throughout the match.

    19. If receiving a trophy or medal, the player must come to pick it up at the company or the location determined by the organization only.

    20. Prizes or rules can change without notice.

    21. Substitute players will receive all various item prizes except PB Cash, which can only be received by 5 members of the team.

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