
Announcement of Penalties Rule Changes

Point Blank Philippines


 New Updated Rules and Penalties for Violating Regulations & Service Policy of Point Blank

Announcement Date: 19 February 2024

New Penalties effective:  27 February 2024 onwards

Since the launch of the Point Blank game service in 2022 under Zepetto (Thailand) Co., Ltd

(After migration Server

the development and service teams have been diligently handling cheaters

that used unauthorized programs within the game.

We are well aware that the use of such programs are unacceptable to the gaming community in general and has severe and unfair consequences for other players.

Throughout this time, we have attempted to provide offenders with opportunities through penalty measures ranging from lightly penalties until permanent account suspensions.

However, some players who violated the rules by using cheating programs with repetitive behavior,

causing annoy and adversely affecting the gameplay experience for other players.

To enhance the regulations and penalties for violators and to ensure better control over offenders,

We, hereby announce changes on penalty conditions for the Point Blank game service to create a fair environment and ensure the sustainability of the gaming community, as follows:

 1. Amendment of Penalty Rules for Accounts Found Violating the Use of Cheating Programs

(Effective from February 27, 2024, onwards)

Starting are February 27, 2024, onwards, players that were found using cheating programs or any 3rd-party program that unauthorized (Hacking tools) in Point Blank Game will be penalized with account suspensions according to the new penalty that will be more strongly suspended account with new penalties as follows:



1. Zepetto reserves the right to permanently ban any player found to be intentionally using cheating programs to harass ordinary players.

2. Penalties for using impolite language remain unchanged. However, if we detect the use of language that may violate the terms of service, additional penalties may be imposed.

3. If players wish to contest an account suspension or request a review, please contact us through the "ticket" system on the official website. 


2. For "Macro" users Process

Throughout the recent years, various computer peripherals and equipment have continuously evolved to provide users with greater convenience. Among these advancements, "macro" programs have emerged as another tool (including of Gaming Gear and Free Software) that available either for free or as device-specific software.

These programs consist of sets of commands that can be customized according to the users. 
However, the usage of macros has been a subject of discussion and concern within the gaming community.

As it can significantly impact the gameplay experience of others User.
and it may be unfair in games play. Therefore, we have received feedback and criticism regarding macros,
leading to clear differences and abnormalities in the Point Blank gameplay experience.

Reference by all user's comment, feedback and suggestion Through various channels of communication. 
The Point Blank team would like to confirm that.
We are not ignoring or disregarding the concerns related to macros. 
We have been collaborating with developers and are in the process of developing a macro prevention system.

Nonetheless, we will anticipate conducting the macro prevention on live server testing within this year.
We earnestly request cooperation from all players in responding to the following questionnaire to gather comprehensive feedback once again. 

This is questionnaire is target on clarity in the next steps, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that the system adequately addresses the needs of all players.


Macro prevention system questionnaire


We acknowledge that over stringent regulations cannot be the Key of creating an ideal Point Blank gaming community. Instead, our ideal gaming community can flourish when everyone contributes to maintaining and abiding by the rules and regulations of the service. This collective effort will pave the way for a better gaming community for Point Blank in the future.

Point Blank Philippines


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