
Esport Bomb Mode Guide

E-Sport Bomb Mode 

Special modes designed specifically for competition.

Which will be used starting from the PBIC2024 competition onwards.

By the differences in the E-sport Bomb Mission,

there will be additional distinctions from the regular Bomb mode as follows:

1. Adjust the competition scores before the match starts in the event of overtime.

The room creator will be able to control the addition or subtraction of points themselves.

before starting up the game as follows:

2. Allows for timeout set up while waiting to switch sides. 

Players can set temporary timeouts for switching sides.

During this waiting period, players can chat and modify the items they will use in the next round.

3. The system counts rounds with a cumulative display of the competition, shown at the top during gameplay 

4. "Indication of the win/loss status of each round of play

with clear and distinct symbols as shown in the following example

Now, the Esport Bomb mode is available for all players to join and participate in practice sessions.

Simulating real competitions. Players can join to test, practice, and play together.

With 8 Map available that will be used on PBIC 2024 Competition as follow 



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