
Battle Pass : Operation Sand Storm Story


Story of Tactical Keeneyes

According to the separatism conflict and population growth issue between CT-FORCE and Free Rebel.

Some of Free Rebel members began to protest for demanding the equal treatment from natives in the mid-20th century.

Now Free Rebel group destroys a village belongs to Black Mamba group and most of villagers were taken. For this reason, the military operation for both destroying the enemy base and rescuing the hostages has begun....

At Training Camp

"Keen Eyes", a well-skilled military group, was enlisted to be on the offensive unit of CT-FORCE for coping with this mission. They needed to train hard and plan for both dealing with savage assault from Free Rebel and rescuing villagers who are just an ordinary people.

Sentry Base

One month has passed....

The riot from Free Rebel group was getting even more chaotic. They rallied at night, burned down houses and called for the justice. Resist the rebels, keep the peace, and secure the safety for natives are examples of the military training programs.

Meanwhile, Black Mamba villagers captured in the enemy base were waiting for help with a sense of hope. It was then that Keen Eyes completed their training and officially stationed at the Sentry Base military base for preparation.

At the main base, a plan was being drawn by the general as he gathered the team to invade the enemy base. Keen Eyes, who were just contributed, needed to be prepared before dispatch in following day......


The offensive team including Keen Eyes were ready to dispatch. The first checkpoint they needed to reach is military base located in the middle of desert. It is surrounded by a bunch of high stalagmites which is perfect for establish and hiding the base in this dry desert. And it is just few miles away from the Black Mamba village as well.

The government believes that Free Rebel set up a base not far from the southern end of the desert. The invasion will begin once the sun sets. Spying was smooth. No movement from the enemy as they are all silent. When the sky turned amber, the offensive team armed themselves, reviewed plans, and was ready for action.

Black Mamba, also known as village of serpent. A group of natives jointly founded this village in the desert far from the capital for staying out of government sight and living peacefully.
Most of villagers are retired soldiers whose family, whether women or children, were being kidnapped. They are all innocent.

The help was on the way as the offensive team was just passing through the Black Mamba village. They needed to search for clues en route that indicate the identity of terrorist group who took villagers away. They found a plane wreck and a truck which contained a suspicious empty box.

Not only that, all cargo boxes scattered all over the village were empty instead of containing products which was not supposed to. It is certain that the terrorist group did not only take the villagers away, but also robbed them weapons and consumables as well.

And very soon after, the offensive team found some clues which lead to the Free Rebel group stronghold. They decided to strike at the southern end tomorrow at dawn. Sand Storm is a starting area of every sandstorms. The government believed that no one dares to set up the base in somewhere far and famine like this but Free Rebel group has just shattered that belief, established the base and captured the hostages around there.

Keen Eyes lead the team battling the Free Rebel and rescuing the villagers. While the battle was fierce and intense, fully-armed reinforcements and government tanks has just arrived to support. Finally, the terrorist was destroyed. The villagers were provided with help. The government gathered some military-grade weapons and some items stolen by the Free Rebel. Once Keen Eyes and the team came back to the capital, they earned honor and praises.

On the other hand, Viper Red, one of the Free Rebel leaders, leaded some group members out of the war zone in time. She watched CT-FORCE executed her friends in defeat and left with vengeance. As this protest was not successful, she planned to flee the country, gather some help, and reclaim what she calls "equality" again.

After rebellion disintegration located at Sand Storm has been accomplished successfully, Viper Red, accompanied by a small group of surviving Free-Rebel members, can barely escape. Once the government acknowledges her action, the operation to seek hostile rebels has begun which resulted in Viper Red have to hide herself outside the country. Very soon after, Viper Red arrives to Peru. The best spot for hiding seems to be an abandon Machu Picchu city located in a mountain far away from capital. She and her members encounter another survivor group who have been here before them. These people succumb to the same fate because they are outlaws who tries to call for justice just like Free-Rebel. Since they are not welcome in the capital city, they have been wandering around the mountain and decide to settle there hiding around. Viper Red and her goons receive a friendly welcome from these immigrants. While living here, Viper Red never stops planning to avenge the government who invade and annihilate her people. As the revenge operation is about to begin, Viper Red encounters one of the immigrants. He realizes that she is going to take down the government so he tells what he experiences to her. The story is he once was captured by government to experiment on a classified project. Viper Red saw this as an evidence to expose what is hidden under the loyal government's mask to all citizens and immigrants. She races to Fatal Zone, another government laboratory secret base to track down the project as she was told.

At Fatal Zone, a building that looks like an abandoned factory which has not been used for very long time. The structure is rusted. Some parts start to collapse. And there is no any soldier guarding it. If there is an experiment as it was told, the government would have abandoned this building long ago. Maybe it was due to an unexpected internal accident or some kind of malfunction causing all tools and equipments were completely wiped out. Viper Red hopes there will be some clues that can trace the story behind the government and this factory so she begins to explore its interior. Viper Red and the team immediately begin to split up for exploration. They tried to explore every corner of the building and dig every proofs remain but nothing was found. It seems that the government has really wiped out all evidence here. While Viper Red was about to give up, one of the members found some document file that fell in the niche of a large cabinet in the hall. Fortunately for them, Viper Red quickly picked up that document and found that there is a preliminary project data sheet stating the objectives of this "some sort of soldier's strength test" classified project. Some ink printing on the paper is covered by soot until it has faded. But the thing that made Viper Red's eye gleaming was the signature of an authorized person which clearly readable. She recognized it because it belongs to Hide, the head of CT-FORCE frontline.


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